Tuesday, October 20, 2009

These creative hair hats were designed by Nagi Noda, a brilliant Japanese artist and director from Tokyo. Each hat looks like an animal made from hair.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Cool Optical Illusion

Impossible People and Animals: these can be silly or sublime, depending upon the subject, but almost inevitably result in a confused double-take. We all know what people can and can't do, how they are built, what the limits of the human body are, yet some images challenge the brain,create illusions and Cool optical illusions video

Cool Optical Illusion

Cool Optical Illusion

Cool Optical Illusion

Cool Optical Illusion

Cool Optical Illusion

Cool Optical Illusion

Cool Optical Illusion

The Art of Juxtaposition: a set of objects, people and/or animals behaving normally independently can take on a new life entirely when properly juxtaposed in a picture. What might seem like very ordinary behavior, from grabbing a magazine to stretching for a job, can take on a new and strange meaning when captured on film from just the right angle."Optical Illusion"

Cool Optical Illusion

Cool Optical Illusion

Cool Optical Illusion

Firing Ass Gun Illusion

Cool Optical Illusion

Cool Optical Illusion

Cool Optical Illusion

Cool Optical Illusion

Cool Optical Illusion

Cool Optical Illusion

Cool Optical Illusion

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

His name is Ugly Bat Boy and there are no prizes for guessing why. This follicly-challenged feline has become a tourist attraction because of his bizarre appearance.
Eight-year-old Ugly, whose breed is not known, spends most of his time keeping warm by sitting on a computer at the Exeter Veterinary Hospital in New Hampshire, America.
Staff at the veterinary hospital have even been forced to put up fliers saying he's perfectly normal - just unattractive.
They claim he makes up for his terrible looks by having inner beauty and a nice disposition.
He's also turned into something of a tourist attraction in Exeter, New Hampshire, America.

Thursday, October 1, 2009